RNTMRKT is an easy-to-use and simple tool which gives users the ability to price residential units in dense urban markets.
About Us
Rntmrkt is based on a proprietary model that is grounded in urban economics and econometrics. It takes a granular and neighborhood-by-neighborhood approach to determine and price variables that are highly valued by neighborhood residents. As such, it produces a value of what a property's rental price "should be" as opposed to a what an owner or investor says that it "is."
"Why do we Exist?
We were brought into fruition in order to bring the same sophistication and rigor that goes into commercial real estate analysis to residential real estate analysis.
Why is this Needed?
First, we believe that the dearth of easily-accessible real estate information and analytics at the residential level caused the housing bubble and abrupt bust. Second, we believe that the currently available tools in the market fall short because (i) they price out our target demographic, (ii) they are overly broad and therefore inaccurate in our target markets, and/or (iii) they lack a sophisticated quantitative foundation.
What are our Goals?
First, we aim to arm resource-lite entities and individuals with information, data, and analytics in order to empower all actors in the real estate transaction ecosystem to make smarter real estate transaction decisions. Second, we aim to reduce the information asymmetry problem inherent to property markets, thus bringing to them the same transparency and liquidity available in public financial markets"